2025 Classes

Term One

Oratia: Thursdays: 30th January- 10th April, no class on Waitangi Day (10 weeks)

Mt Albert: Mondays: 3rd February – 7th April (10 weeks) this class is now full

Dance classes to keep seniors active and enjoying life!


Mt Albert class 10:00 – 11:00 am

St Luke’s Church Hall
704 New North Road
Mt Albert

Click here to see map

Taught by Susan Jordan susan@seniorsdance.nz

021 206 1835


Oratia class 12:00 – 1:00 pm

Oratia Settlers Hall
567 West Coast Road

Click here to see map

Taught by Christina Houghton


By the term

$120 for 10 weeks

Classes paid in advance

(prices vary depending on term length)

$12 per class



Cash on the day

$15 per class

Payments can be made in cash or by a bank transfer. Contact your teacher for the bank account details.

SeniorsDANCE classes for health, fun and social enjoyment!
Classes are taught by professional dance teachers with easy-to-learn movement based on contemporary dance.

Our classes

  • Build balance and coordination
  • Maintain joint mobility
  • Strengthen muscles
  • Enhance physical, mental and social well-being
  • Improve memory and thinking processes.
  • Experience creative expression and choreographed dances.

We are approved for the ACC Community Group Strength & Balance Programme as our classes meet all nine of the effectiveness criteria established by the Technical Advisory Group to reduce the falls in older people